Iron Cross Begonia Care Guide

Last Updated: June 2, 2022

Basic Iron Cross Begonia Care

Loved for their incredible leaf patterns, the Iron Cross Begonia is great for lovers of exotic foliage plants! They also sometimes produce flowers if in the right environment and given the right care!


Bright Indirect Light

I love the sunshine but too much direct light will damage my leaves.


Water Infrequently

I can be quite sensitive to root rot so be careful not to overwater me.


Medium Humidity

Please make sure the air isn’t too dry, otherwise I won’t be a happy plant.


Potting Soil

I need soil specifically for indoor plants as it retains the right amount of water.

Avoid any direct sunlight

The best spot for your Iron Cross Begonia is somewhere with plenty of bright but indirect light. Too much intense light can harm their incredible foliage but insufficient light will make them leggy and they won’t be able to produce flowers.

The potting mix needs to dry out between waterings

Iron Cross Begonias are quite sensitive to overwatering so you want to make sure that the potting mix has nearly dried out before watering again. The best way to know if it’s time to water is by using a moisture meter.

A little humidity boost goes a long way

Whilst Iron Cross Begonias don’t need a super humid environment, a little boost every now and again will stop them drying up and becoming crispy around the edges. The best way to do this is through misting using a spray bottle or buying a humidifier.

They prefer cooler temperatures

It’s important that you don’t put your Iron Cross Begonia in a really warm spot in your home as they prefer slightly cooler temperatures.

Only feed in the spring and summer months

As with most houseplants, you only really want to fertilise your Iron Cross Begonia during the warmer sunnier months. We recommend using a water-soluble feed once a month during the growth period. Make sure to dilute more than recommended to avoid possible fertiliser burn.

Propagate your Iron Cross Begonia through division

Although you can propagate a Iron Cross Begonia through leaf cuttings, we recommend going for the division method as it is more successful.

To do this you need to separate the plant and root system into several smaller plants. Make sure each section has a good amount of roots attached before placing into fresh potting mix and resuming normal Iron Cross Begonia care!

Iron Cross Begonias are toxic

Unfortunately, you will want to keep any small children or pets away from your Iron Cross Begonia as they are toxic. The roots are especially toxic but even ingestion of the leaves can cause stomach irritation.


Iron Cross Begonia FAQs

Quick and simple answers to the most common questions we see about the Iron Cross Begonia.


Common Problems with your Iron Cross Begonia

Here are some common issues that you might run into. It's important to diagnose any issues early to give your plant the best chance of bouncing back.


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