12 Houseplants with Big Leaves

Last Updated: November 5, 2023

Large Monstera Leaves

Large Monstera Leaves

Planning to bring a touch of green into your home and want to make a statement with a large plant? In our guide of the best large-leaf indoor plants, you’ll find a bout of inspiration that’ll not only serve as attractive house décor but also help freshen up the air in your home.

Why Choose Houseplants with Big Leaves?

Have you ever wondered why certain homes or spaces feel warm, inviting, and chic? Well, the magic often lies in the details, and one of those details includes large-leafed houseplants.

Improve Air Quality: First and foremost, houseplants with big leaves are often execllent air purifiers. According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, bigger leaves are more effective at filtering and improving indoor air quality since they have a more considerable surface area to intake carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Aesthetic Appeal: In the world of interior design, the textures and shapes of big leaf houseplants can significantly impact a room’s look. Their dramatic foliage adds an architectural element, balancing the space with organic shapes and creating an inviting, restful, or enlivened mood.

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig, for instance, has dramatic, swooping leaves that can introduce an elegant aesthetic to your space.
  • Picture the deep cuts of the Swiss Cheese Plant, creating a playful visual element that brings dynamic energy to a room.

Mental Health Benefits: In addition to air quality and aesthetic benefits, large-leafed plants can have a positive impact on one’s mental health. With their soothing greenery, the presence of these plants can help reduce stress and anxiety, enhance mood, and encourage focus and productivity.

Low-Maintenance: Most big leaf houseplants are tropical in nature, which means that they can be a little more adaptable. When you have plants that have tiny leaves, these are more susceptible to humidity and watering issues.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing Houseplants with Big Leaves

Light Requirement

Firstly, most large-leafed houseplants are native to tropical regions, known for their bright, yet filtered sunlight. Will your home be able to provide these conditions?


Next, it’s crucial to consider the space you have available. Big leaves tend to mean a large plant overall. Some can grow several feet in both height and width.

Do you have the necessary room to accommodate its growth? These are important considerations.


Last, but not least, let’s talk about maintenance. Large leaves are dust magnets so this is something you’ll need to add to your regular cleaning list. Not only do dusty leaves look a little dull, but even a thin layer of dust can hinder their ability to photosynthesize efficiently. Regular maintenance will help them continue to breathe, grow, and thrive.

The Best Houseplants with Big Leaves

1. Monstera deliciosa: The Iconic Swiss Cheese Plant

Starting our list with our favorite large leaf houseplants, the iconic Monstera deliciosa, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant.

Named due to the unique development of holes or ‘fenestrations’ in its big, heart-shaped foliage, this plant becomes a stunning visual centerpiece in any indoor setting.

Originating from the tropical jungles of Central America, the Monstera grows naturally in the dappled light under the jungle canopy.

But, don’t worry, this plant isn’t as picky about light conditions as you’d think! It can thrive in moderate, indirect light to partial shade conditions in your home.

  • Light Requirements: Moderate, indirect light to partial shade
  • Watering: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings
  • Humidity: Prefers higher humidity but can tolerate typical indoor humidity

Space is a big thing to consider here as they do grow quite large, so make sure you have enough space for them to spread out.

These plants are also toxic to pets and humans if ingested, so you might want to situate them away from curious kids and paws.

2. Alocasia macrorrhizos: The Elephant Ear Plant

The Alocasia macrorrhizos, often referred to as the Elephant Ear Plant is loved for its sheer size and distinctive form which can transform any living space into a tropical haven.

The Alocasia Macrorrhizos, endemic to Southeast Asia and Eastern Australia, has big leaves which can grow over 3 feet long and 2 feet wide.

But it’s not just about the size. The leaves are clothed in a deep, elegant green, and they have a glossy finish that gracefully reflects light, adding a layer of sophistication to any room.

Light requirements: Intense, indirect sunlight brings out the best in them. However, avoid direct sunlight as it may scorch their leaves.

Watering: The soil should be kept consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Water thoroughly when the top few inches of soil have dried out.

Humidity: High humidity is their friend. Place the plant in a bathroom or kitchen, or use a humidifier to recreate the conditions of their tropical home.

Soil: This plant prefers rich, well-draining soil. A mix of peat, perlite, and compost works wonders!

3. Philodendron bipinnatifidum: The Split-Leaf Philodendron

Known scientifically as Philodendron bipinnatifidum, this luscious giant is nothing short of a show-stopper. Its big, deeply lobed, shiny green leaves come with a sense of power.

Originating from the rainforests of South America, the plant thrives in warm and humid environments. While it enjoys bright, indirect light, it’s also known to tolerate lower light conditions.

When it comes to watering, it’s vital to strike the right balance. The Split-Leaf Philodendron prefers the soil to dry out completely before the next watering. Too much water can cause root rot, a common issue with can have pretty severe effects.

The Split-Leaf Philodendron is very low-maintenance. A gentle wipe down of the big leaves from time to time and some trimming is all it takes to keep this tropical plant happy and thriving.

4. Ficus lyrata: The Fiddle Leaf Fig

Originating from the warm climates of western Africa, Ficus lyrata, or the Fiddle Leaf Fig, is well-known for its grandeur with substantially-sized, violin-shaped leaves.

This houseplant’s big, glossy leaves can grow up to 15 inches wide—no wonder it’s a classic among designers and houseplant enthusiasts!

A happy fiddle leaf fig requires a bit of effort. Let’s walk through the basics:

  1. Light Requirement: This plant loves bright, indirect light. A north or east-facing window is perfect. Avoid direct sunlight as it may cause the leaves to get sunburned.
  2. Watering: Known for its drought tolerance, the fiddle leaf fig prefers to dry out between watering. When you do water, drench thoroughly until water comes out the bottom of the pot.
  3. Humidity: It thrives in a humid environment. Regular misting can help mimic its natural habitat and keep those big leaves looking their best.
  4. Soil: A well-drained, preferably peat-based potting mix is ideal.
  5. Maintenance: Regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust. It loves a good leaf shower too!

5. Musa acuminata: The Banana Leaf Plant

Stepping into the fascinating world of large-leafed houseplants, it’s impossible to overlook the Musa acuminata. Better known as the Banana Leaf Plant, this tropical plant originates from Southeast Asia and has distinctive paddle-shaped leaves.

Surprising for many, the Banana Leaf Plant is relatively easy to care for. While it requires consistent, but moderate watering, along with a well-draining soil mix, it doesn’t need an excessive care routine.

Beyond their dramatic visual impact with their big leaves, these plants are also great as they have undeniable air-purifying benefits. Due to their large leaf surface area, they’re efficient in assimilating pollutants, improving indoor air quality.

6. Alocasia amazonica: The African Mask Plant

With its uniquely patterned and deeply cut leaves, the African Mask Plant offers an exotic aesthetic that can bring a splash of tropical elegance to any indoor setting.

Its large, arrow-shaped leaves are strikingly dark green with bold silvery-white veining, closely resembling an artistic African mask – hence its popular nickname.

  • Light: Alocasia amazonica thrives in bright, indirect light. Because its native environment is tropical, the plant does well in filtered sunlight. However, too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn which shows up as yellow patches across their big leaves, so be smart about where you place it.
  • Water: Be careful about overwatering this one – it prefers soil that is somewhat dry. Only water your African Mask Plant when the top inch of the soil is dry to the touch.
  • Humidity: Alocasia amazonica loves humidity. You could also place it in the bathroom or kitchen, where the humidity levels are typically higher. Do whatever you can to avoid dry air, which can lead to browning leaf edges.
  • Soil: A well-draining soil mix is ideal for this plant. A good tip is to add some perlite to improve drainage.

7. Caladium bicolor: The Heart-Shaped Leaf Plant

Also known as the heart-shaped leaf plant, or more popularly, Angel Wings, this stunning plant is characterized by its big, heart-shaped leaves that come in a splash of red, pink, white, and green colors.

Native to South and Central America’s rainforests, the Angel Wings plant thrives under warm and humid conditions, much like a tropical environment.

They can grow up to a height of 1-2 feet indoors, and the large leaves span around 6 to 12 inches. Additionally, the Caladium bicolor is an air-purifying plant, known to eliminate common indoor air pollutants.

The Caladium bicolor is not a high-maintenance plant, but it needs certain conditions to flourish. This is a plant that thrives in indirect light, so finding a spot where it can escape the harsh afternoon sun will be beneficial.

When it comes to temperature, anything below 60°F is not suitable for this tropical beauty, so ensure a warm, consistent climate year-round.

8. Strelitzia Reginae: The Bird of Paradise

The Strelitzia Reginae, also known as the Bird of Paradise, is one of our favorites on the list. Native to South Africa, it is globally admired for its big, paddle-shaped leaves that create a dramatic, tropical atmosphere.

This stunning houseplant is characterized by its thick, leathery leaves that extend up on long stalks. The leaves can grow up to 18 inches long and 6 inches wide.

Besides its large foliage, the Bird of Paradise plant also produces unique, bird-like flowers, typically in the cooler months. Deep orange and blue petals spring forth, looking much like an exotic bird peeking through the big leaves.

  • Light: Bright, indirect light.
  • Watering: Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering again.
  • Humidity: Medium to high. The Bird of Paradise can tolerate lower humidity but would enjoy a misting occasionally.
  • Temperature: Prefers temperatures between 65°F to 85°F, but can survive in conditions slightly cooler or warmer.

Maintenance-wise, the Bird of Paradise is relatively easy. Apart from regular watering and ensuring it gets sufficient light, you just need to occasionally wipe down the leaves. This not only keeps the big leaves looking shiny and healthy but also helps the plant perform better photosynthesis.

9. Dieffenbachia: The Dumb Cane Plant

Originating from the tropical regions of the Americas, the Dumb Cane Plant boasts large, vibrant, green leaves featuring intricate patterns.

The name Dumb Cane comes from the temporary speechlessness one could encounter upon ingesting its sap, but don’t worry. Just remember to handle it with gloves, especially if you have pets or small children around, to eliminate any risk.

10. Calathea Orbifolia

With its stunningly big, round leaves, the Calathea Orbifolia is a houseplant you won’t easily ignore and we love that it’s becoming more and more popular around the world.

Originating from South America, it boasts a display of bold silver-green stripes that add a touch of tropical elegance to any space.

You’ll be very happy to know that the Calathea Orbifolia isn’t too demanding. However, like most tropical plants, it appreciates a bit of pampering.

It prefers a spot in your home that offers bright, but indirect sunlight. Too much direct light can lead to leaf burns, while inadequate light will cause the foliage to lose its vibrancy.

  • Watering: Calathea Orbifolia likes its soil to be consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Ensure adequate draining by letting the top inch of the soil dry out before the next watering.
  • Humidity: Mimic its natural tropical habitat by maintaining high humidity. You can achieve this by misting the leaves frequently, using a pebble tray with water, or simply placing it in a bathroom or kitchen where humidity is naturally higher.
  • Feeding: Feed your Calathea Orbifolia with a balanced liquid fertilizer every month during the growing season to support its growth.

11. Kentia Palm

This easygoing palm with its feather-like leaves is native to Australia’s Lord Howe Island. Its scientific name, Howea Forsteriana, nods to its home territory.

What sets the Kentia Palm apart is its generous canopy of arching green fronds. This beautiful palm is capable of reaching heights of up to 10 feet when grown indoors — making it a perfect fit if you’re seeking that big leaf aesthetic.

Your Kentia Palm isn’t a fan of bright, direct sunlight. Instead, it thrives in medium to low light levels.

When it comes to watering, the Kentia Palm prefers to dry out a bit between waterings. Overwatering could lead to root rot so always check the top inch of soil before watering

Since it’s native to a tropical climate, the Kentia Palm loves humidity. Try placing your palm in a well-lit bathroom or utilizing a humidifier to maintain adequate moisture.

Additionally, regularly dust off the palm’s leaves to help the plant breathe and absorb light even better.

12. The Yucca Plant

The last on our list but definitely not less captivating is the resilient Yucca plant. Native to the arid regions of the Americas, Yucca brings a touch of desert drama right into your living room.

Its unique silhouette, characterized by rosettes of sword-like leaves on a thick woody stem, offers a striking aesthetic that easily becomes a focal point in any setting.

It’s a super resilient plant too as it stores water in its thick, waxy leaves to thrive in drought-like situations, making it a wonderful choice if you’re notorious for forgetting to water your plants.

Common Challenges and Solutions for Houseplants with Big Leaves

Brown Leaf Tips

One of the most recurrent issues plant parents face is dealing with leaf burn or brown leaf tips. This could arise from various factors such as inadequate humidity, low temperature, or water quality issues.

But don’t fret – a simple fix could be to mist your plants regularly, maintain a steady room temperature, or even just switch to distilled or filtered water for your plants.

Leaf Yellowing

Often yellow leaves indicate that the plant is either not receiving enough light or perhaps too much water. Moving the plant to a brighter location (be mindful of direct sunlight though, as this may burn the leaves) or adjusting your watering schedule can easily counter this.

Leaves Dropping

Are you finding more leaves on your floor than are growing on your plant? This could be due to overwatering, under-watering, or drastic changes in temperature.

To amend this, ensure to follow the optimal watering routine specific to your houseplant species and avoid placing your plant near air vents or drafty windows.


Pest infestations are a common issue, especially for houseplants with big leaves. You may encounter pests like spider mites, aphids, or mealy bugs. Generally, wiping down the leaves with soapy water or using insecticides designed for houseplants can keep these pests at bay.

Decorating Ideas: Using Houseplants with Big Leaves in Your Home

When it comes to interior design, using houseplants with big leaves can truly elevate the aesthetic factor of your home. But do you know how to showcase them to their full potential? If not, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered with some inspiring decorating ideas.

Creating a Focal Point

The large, lush leaves of houseplants can act as a natural artwork in your home. Position a plant like the Monstera deliciosa or Alocasia macrorrhizos in a corner of your living room or beside a focal furniture piece.

Their eye-catching leaves can draw attention, creating a statement-making focal point.

Refreshing Your Workspace

Adding a houseplant with large leaves, such as the Ficus lyrata, can transform your desk area into a fresh space.

It’s not only about looks, these plants can also enhance your productivity by purifying the air and creating a calming ambience.

Creating Dramatic Impressions with Height and Scale

Opt for tall, big-leaved houseplants like the Kentia palm or Strelitzia Reginae for spaces with high ceilings. Their impressive height and scale can bring a dramatic, tropical touch to your decor.

Exploring Symmetry with Dual Placement

Consider placing two matching big leaf houseplants on either side of a significant feature, be that a fireplace, doorway, or piece of furniture.

This symmetrical arrangement can introduce a sense of harmony and tranquillity in your living space.

Using Plants as Room Dividers

If you’re working with an open plan, plants like the Musa acuminata or Dieffenbachia can provide an attractive, natural way to delineate space.

Arrange them in a row or cluster to create an appealing room divider. It’s a creative solution that adds interest and texture to your decor.

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