Cactus Care

Last Updated: August 10, 2022

Basic Cactus Care

Known and loved for their easy care requirements and sharp spikes, the Cactus is probably one of the most famous plant types in the world. There are probably more Cactus types than we could possibly count in the world, which makes them one of the most unique and popular houseplant types.

There are a few key things to remember when caring for Cacti; firstly, they need a good amount of sunlight so are perfect for that sunny warm spot in your home that might be too intense for your other houseplants. When it comes to watering, it’s important that the soil dries out fully between waterings so you want to give a good but infrequent soak.

Below you’ll find all the detailed information you need to care for your Cactus. You can apply this generally to most of your Cacti types.

Detailed Cactus Care

Keep your Cactus in a bright spot

As you can imagine, being native to deserts across the world, cacti love sunlight. They will really struggle in low light areas of your home so make sure these are kept close to windows to make the most of the sunshine each day.

Adjust your watering across seasons

In the hotter months of spring and summer, it is important that your cacti receive sufficient watering. We usually go for once a month but it does depend on the size and drainage of each specific cactus. In winter, hold back almost completely from watering as it will cause root rot very quickly.

You must use a fast-draining potting mix

Your Cactus will rot pretty quickly if the soil retains moisture for too long. We recommend using succulent/ cactus specific soil as this will contain agents such as perlite which increases drainage in the pot.

Cacti prefer warmer environments

Although they can survive in slightly cooler homes, Cacti thrive in warmer environments. Nearer windows will tend to give them a little more warmth in summer but can be a little drafty in winter so be aware of this.

Dry air is best for your Cactus

This can be a little tricky especially if you have other humidity-loving houseplants in your home. Don’t worry too much about changing the humidity levels in your home but prevent placing your Cactus in the kitchen or bathroom where steam from cooking or showering naturally increases the humidity.

Use Cactus-specific fertiliser

If you wish to feed your Cactus during the growing months, we recommend using Cactus-specific fertiliser as they tend to be a little more tailored than generic houseplant fertiliser.

Keep away from pets and children

Due to the sharp thorns found on a lot of Cactus types, as well as some that produce sap that can be irritable to your skin and stomach, we recommend as a rule to keep your pets and children away from the Cacti in your home.

Don’t worry about repotting

You usually won’t have to repot your Cactus for a few years as they are quite slow growers and have shallow roots. If you do think it is time to repot, make sure you wear thick gloves to protect from their sharp pricks.

Propagate your Cactus using segment cuttings

Propagating a Cactus is usually quite easy and can be done by snipping of a healthy stem/pad or individual head. Place the cutting in the sun for a few days for it to harden before placing it in fresh cactus potting mix. Water every week or so and after a month or two it should start to form roots.

Cactus Care FAQs

Common Issues for Cacti

Growing and caring a Cactus in your home can sometimes be difficult so it is important to know what to look out for that suggests your cactus isn’t doing so well.

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