Aloe Vera Care Guide

Last Updated: March 17, 2023

Basic Aloe Vera Care

Aloe Vera plants are a great starter plant for any new plant parents as they are very easy to care for. Below is our full Aloe Vera Care Guide with all the information you need to best look after your Aloe.


Bright Indirect Light

I love the sunshine but too much direct light will damage my leaves.


Water Infrequently

I can be quite sensitive to root rot so be careful not to overwater me.


Medium Humidity

Please make sure the air isn’t too dry, otherwise I won’t be a happy plant.


Draining Soil

I like a mix that includes peat moss and perlite as these prevent my roots from becoming water-logged.

Aloe Vera love bright, indirect sunlight

Make sure your home has enough natural light to keep these ones happy. Whilst they can sustain some direct light, after a while too much sunlight will dry our your Aloe Vera’s leaves. It is all about finding the right spot your for Aloe and it’ll thrive!

Be careful not to overwater your Aloe Vera

Aloe Veras are quite sensitive plants when it comes to watering. The less the better really. They really dislike sitting in water so make sure they dry out fully between waterings. If you think you may have overwatered your Alow Vera, replace the soil immediately and adjust your watering schedule. 

Use a well-draining potting mix

A good potting mix for your Aloe Vera should contain perlite, lava rock or coarse sand to help water drainage. This will protect the roots from rotting which is the most common issue with Aloe Veras as it can happen quite quickly if you accidentally overwater them a few times. 

Aloe Vera can be toxic if ingested 

Although the gel can be used on skin to reduce pain, you should never ingest any part of an Aloe Vera as it can cause nausea and can even be toxic in large quantities.

It's easy to propagate your Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera grow little pups from the main root system that pop up next to the mother plant. Simply cut the pup off with a couple of cm stem and repot them in succulent soil.

They don't need to be fertilised

Fertilising your Aloe Vera won’t harm it but it isn’t really necessary. They should be fertilised no more than once a year and we recommend using a water-soluble fertiliser if you do choose that you want to.

Warmer temperatures are best for your Aloe Vera

Although they aren’t as fussy as some other houseplants, warmer temperatures do encourage more growth in your Aloe Vera. Make sure they aren’t placed near an air vent or drafty window as the cooler temperatures will affect your Aloe Vera’s health.

You don't need to increase the humidity 

One great thing about Aloe Vera plants is that they do well in the natural humidity of your home. In fact they don’t mind if the air is a little dry which means you don’t need to worry about misting or trying to increase humidity levels.


Aloe Vera FAQs

Quick and simple answers to the most common questions we see about the Aloe Vera.


Common Problems with your Aloe Vera

Here are some common issues that you might run into. It's important to diagnose any issues early to give your plant the best chance of bouncing back.


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