Basic Snow Queen Pothos Care
We always recommend Snow Queen Pothos plants to first time plant parents as they are easy to care for, propagate and grow quickly too! Below you will find our Snow Queen Pothos care guide with everything you need to know to help your plant thrive.
Light |
Bright Indirect LightI love the sunshine but too much direct light will damage my leaves. |
Water |
Water ModeratelyI don’t like my soil to be too dry or too soggy. Little and often is what I’m after. |
Humidity |
Medium HumidityPlease make sure the air isn’t too dry, otherwise I won’t be a happy plant. |
Soil |
Potting SoilI need soil specifically for indoor plants as it retains the right amount of water. |
Keep them away from direct sunlight
Snow Queen Pothos plants need medium to bright, indirect light to thrive. Keep them away from direct sunshine as this can scorch their leaves. Whilst they can grow in lower light conditions, growth will be slower and the variegation on the leaves will fade.
Let the soil dry out between waterings
Snow Queen Pothos plants are sensitive to overwatering so you want to make sure you leave enough time between waterings for the potting mix to dry out.
Average room temperature is fine
As long as you are comfortable your Snow Queen Pothos will be too! They can deal with some warmer environments but keep them away from hotspots caused by direct light.
Mist your Snow Queen Pothos weekly
Snow Queen Pothos plants like a little bit of a boost to their humidity level so we recommend misting the plant once or twice a week. Make sure you do it in the morning to allow time for the water to evaporate before night otherwise this can cause leaf rot.
Fertililsing is optional
Whilst you might want to feed your Snow Queen Pothos, they are fine without it! We recommend fertilising only a few times during spring and summer.
Propagating your Snow Queen Pothos couldn't be easier
To propagate a Snow Queen Pothos all you need to do is take a stem cutting that includes at least one node and pop it in water. After a few weeks you should start to see roots growing out from the node.
Snow Queen Pothos are toxic
You want to keep any pets and small children away from your Snow Queen Pothos as they are toxic if ingested.

Snow Queen Pothos FAQs
Quick and simple answers to the most common questions we see about the Snow Queen Pothos .
Do Snow Queen Pothos plants purify the air?
Yes the air purifying qualities are one of the best things about the Snow Queen Pothos. This makes them great for every home and office.
Is the Snow Queen Pothos easy to care for?
Overall the Pothos family of plants is super low maintenance and you shouldn’t have too many issues caring for your Snow Queen Pothos. They can adapt to a wide range of environments and are quite forgiving when it comes to watering. Because they are so easy to care for, we recommend Snow Queen Pothos plants to everyone, beginner or seasoned gardener.
How much water does a Snow Queen Pothos need?
You want to make sure that the soil dries out between waterings otherwise you risk the roots on your Snow Queen Pothos rotting. There isn’t a one-fits-all schedule as the size of the plant and environmental factors play such a large role in how quickly the soil dries and how much water your plant needs.
As a guideline you want to roughly be watering once a week in the warmer months and every other week in winter.
What amount is light is best for a Snow Queen Pothos?
Snow Queen Pothos plants need medium light levels but the most important thing is that it’s not direct as this can scorch their leaves. Whilst they can grow in lower light conditions, growth will be slower and the variegation on the leaves will fade.
Are Snow Queen Pothos plants toxic?
Snow Queen Pothos plants are toxic when ingested so you want to keep any pets and children away.
Common Problems with your Snow Queen Pothos
Here are some common issues that you might run into. It's important to diagnose any issues early to give your plant the best chance of bouncing back.
Why is my Snow Queen Pothos leggy?
Leggy growth can occur if your Snow Queen Pothos isn’t getting enough sunlight. This is especially common in winter as the days get shorter. If you prefer you can trim off the leggy growth and propagate the stems to produce new trails
Why does my Snow Queen Pothos have brown leaves?
Brown leaves on a Snow Queen Pothos can be caused by watering issues. If the leaves are dry, crispy and brown it is most commonly caused by underwatering or a lack of humidity. If the leaves are soft and also yellow then overwatering will probably be the cause. Check the moisture levels in the soil to confirm and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.
Why does my Snow Queen Pothos have yellow leaves?
Yellow leaves on a Snow Queen Pothos is most often caused by overwatering. Too much moisture in the soil will cause the roots to rot. Replace the soil if clumpy and waterlogged and cut back on how much/how often you water your Snow Queen Pothos.