Basic Peace Lily Care
Native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, Peace Lilies are a fairly easy plant to take care of. Below you will find our complete Peace Lily care guide to help you look after your plant and spot any issues that may occur.
Light |
Bright Indirect LightI love the sunshine but too much direct light will damage my leaves. |
Water |
Water ModeratelyI don’t like my soil to be too dry or too soggy. Little and often is what I’m after. |
Humidity |
High HumidityI thrive in humid environments so please mist my leaves every so often. |
Soil |
Potting SoilI need soil specifically for indoor plants as it retains the right amount of water. |
Peace Lilies can handle many lighting conditions
Although they’re native to brighter areas, the Peace Lily can handle a wide variety of lighting conditions. They’ll be happy in any spot, dim or bright. It’s worth noting however that they’ll only flower in brighter areas.
Watering your Peace Lily is easy
As they’re not particular picky, you can water your Peace Lily relatively sparingly. It won’t react badly if you miss a watering every so often. You can also just pop them in the shower once a week to clean the leaves off at the same time.
Ideal placement for your Peace Lily
If you’re lucky enough to have a bathroom that gets good light throughout the day, it would be the perfect spot for your Peace Lily. The added humidity from showers and running water will surely be appreciated.
Peace Lilies love humidity
Being native to the rainforest, Peace Lily very keen on high humidity. To make it easy you can simply mist the plant a couple of times a week, or even place it on a pebble bath. We have a great post all about raising the humidity for your plants if you want to find out more.
Peace Lilies are poisonous to pets
Watch out if you have have a cat or dog around as unfortunately Peace Lilies are toxic to dogs, cats and other animals! Pets that ingest the leaves will start to salivate and paw at their mouths very quickly, so give this one a miss if you have a pet in the house.
Average room temperature is perfect for your Peace Lily
One thing that makes Peace Lilies easy to care for is that they thrive in the natural temperatures of your home. Avoid placing it near any drafty windows or doors though as the cool air from outside can cause shock for the plant.
Propagate your Peace Lily through division of the mother plant
Unfortunately, Peace Lilies cannot be propagated from a leaf or stem cutting. Instead, the best way to propagate a Peace Lily is through diving the mother plant into several smaller plants. Make sure each section has a good chunk of the root system and be careful when separating the roots as you don’t want to cause too much damage.

Peace Lily FAQs
Quick and simple answers to the most common questions we see about the Peace Lily.
Do Peace Lilies need full sun or shade?
Although they’re native to brighter areas, the Peace Lily can handle a wide variety of lighting conditions. They’ll be happy in any spot, dim or bright. It’s worth noting, however, that they’ll only flower if given enough sunlight.
How often should I water my Peace Lily?
Peace Lilies are quite relaxed when it comes to their watering as they are quite forgiving either way. If you find they are drooping down then this often means they need more water.
Why is my Peace Lily drooping?
Peace Lilies are dramatic plants and start to droop down as soon as they need more water. This often is nothing to worry about and if your plant springs back a few hours after watering, then this is all it needed.
Is the Peace Lily toxic?
Peace Lilies are quite toxic when ingested and animals can have quite a sudden reaction to them so keep these ones away from your furry friends.

Common Problems with your Peace Lily
Here are some common issues that you might run into. It's important to diagnose any issues early to give your plant the best chance of bouncing back.
Why is my Peace Lily turning yellow?
Yellow leaves on your Peace Lily is a sign that your plant isn’t happy with it’s lighting conditions. Too much or too little light causes yellowing in the leaves. Move your Peace Lily to a new spot and give it a week to settle in before moving again if there’s no change.
Why has my Peace Lily got brown leaf tips?
Brown leaf tips on your Peace Lily is most likely a watering or drainage problem. Make sure that you plant isn’t waterlogged and the soil has a way to drain out excess liquid. We have a great post on how to increase drainage for you houseplants available here.
Why isn't my Peace Lily flowering?
Peace Lilies will only flower if they’re getting bright enough light. Try moving your plant to a brighter spot and see what happens!
Why are my Peace Lilies leaves drooping?
There’s a quick and easy solution for Peace Lily leaves that are drooping – just a little bit more water. Water your Peace Lily in the morning and watch the leaves go back to normal over the day, they bounce back super quickly!
Why are my Peace Lilies leaves curling?
The leaves of your Peace Lily will start to curl up if it’s getting soo much bright sunlight. Try moving it to a spot where it will get more indirect light through the day.