How to propagate a Watermelon Peperomia

Last Updated: May 17, 2022

Watermelon Peperomia plants are great! They aren’t super difficult to care for and are completely safe for pets and children. And on top of that, they are really easy to propagate. We have written this guide to help you figure out all the different ways you can propagate your Peperomia plant, with step by step guides, a list of tools you will need and all of our top tips to help you along the way. 

Why propagate a Watermelon Peperomia?

There are several reasons why you might choose to grow more Watermelon Peperomia plants. Firstly, simply getting new plants for free; it’s a great way to make gifts for friends and family without having to buy new plants! 

Another reason why many choose to propagate their plant is to curb leggy growth. During winter, they cam to go a little leggy and straggly as they deal with having less sunlight. To encourage bushier growth we recommend pruning your plant. But instead of simply throwing away those beautiful leaves and stems, why not use them and start a whole new mother plant. 

You may also want to propagate your Watermelon Peperomia if you notice that part of it is starting to look a little unhealthy or starting to die. Be careful that you only use the healthy parts of your plant though, as trying to grow leaves that are rotting or have pests won’t be much of a success.

What tools will I need to propagate my Watermelon Peperomia?

Let’s start off with the easy part as it’s important to make sure you have all the right things before you start propagating!


Make sure you're prepared before you start the propagation process!

Tools needed for propagation
  • Healthy and mature Watermelon Peperomia

  • Sharp scissors/shears

  • Spare pot(s)

  • Fresh soil and water

  • Sealable plastic bag

  • Newspaper or plastic sheet if you’re propagating indoors

What are the different methods I can use to propagate my Watermelon Peperomia?

One great thing about these plants is that they root fairly quickly from either the leaf or the stem which means there are several ways to propagate them. 

You can use one whole leaf and the roots will form from the red leaf stem or you can also cut the leaf and roots will grow directly out of the leaf forming a whole new plant. You can also propagate your Watermelon Peperomia plant by dividing cutlets and growing those in water or directly in potting soil depending on the maturity of the root system. 

We will go over each different method in detail below so you can figure out which is the best for you and your plant!

How to propagate a Watermelon Peperomia using leaf cuttings

Unlike most other houseplants, you can actually use just a single leaf cutting. 


Watermelon Peperomia Propagation through leaf cuttings

Watermelon Peperomia leaves
  1. Locate a healthy leaf 

    When taking a leaf cutting you want to make sure that the part of the plant you are cutting is healthy to give you any chance of success. Avoid any sign of disease or pests as they will be transferred onto your new cuttings.

    You can try to use leaves that have naturally fallen off but you will have more success with healthy leaves.

  2. Make the cut 

    Use your clean scissors to cut off one or several leaves. Make sure your tools are clean to avoid passing on any bad bacteria to your cutting.

  3. Choose how to grow your leaf cutting 

    It’s at this stage you need to decide between two methods of growing leaf cuttings. The first trims off the stem so there is about 2-3cm still attached to the leaf. Then place the entire leaf into potting mix so that the stem is dug into the soil. Using this method will result in one new Watermelon Peperomia plant growing out from the stem. 

    For the second method you cut the leaf in half horizontally across the stripes. Place both parts of the leaf into the potting mix with the cut side faced down. Push the leaf section with the stem further into the soil than the other as this is where the roots will form. WIth this method, you should see multiple Peperomia plants grow out from the darker stipes in the leaf.

  4. Place in a sealable clear plastic bag

    Once you have pot your cuttings in fresh mix, you want to create a little greenhouse with a plastic bag to make the environment warm and humid. Keep the bag a little open to have some air circulation. The humidity that will build up in the bag means you won’t have to water as much. Just a little each week or slightly more if you notice the potting mix is very dry. But be cautious when watering as overwatering is the number one reason why this method fails.

  5. Be patient 

    Now all there is left to do is wait and occasionally add water and check in on your Watermelon Peperomia cuttings. It will take several weeks or even months for roots to start to grow. The most important thing is that you don’t try and check root growth every few days by pulling the cutting out to inspect it. This can damage the cutting and stop any future growth.

  6. Check on your cuttings 

    After about 4-5 weeks, it’s time to check how growth is going on your cuttings. If roots are still very small and delicate then maybe grow in the ‘greenhouse’ for a few more weeks. If roots are quite established then you can start to grow the cutting outside of the plastic bag. 

  7. Enjoy your new plants 

    After a few months, you may start to see new leaves growing out from your leaf cutting. This is a great sign and shows that your propagation efforts have been a success. Continue caring for your new plants as you would any other Watermelon Peperomia and in no time you should start to see even more new growth appearing. 

How to propagate a Watermelon Peperomia using stem cuttings in water

This method is sometimes a little easier, it’s also a more standard method used for other kinds of houseplants!


  1. Take your Watermelon Peperomia out of its pot

    In order to locate the various sections of your plant, you will need to take your plant out of the pot so you can divide the root system. Carefully lift the plant out and shake off the potting mix around the roots. 

  2. Locate the various offshoots 

    When looking for a part of the plant to divide it will become very obvious if there are various offshoots on your Watermelon Peperomia. They will be completely separate and growth will stem from the middle of each section. 

  3. Separate the sections 

    If there is a natural section within your plant then it should come apart fairly easily. However, if your plant comes out of just one central rhizome then you will have to slice it in two to propagate a cutlet. 

  4. Place in water 

    Pot the main mother Watermelon Peperomia plant back into its original pot and decide whether you want to place the offshoot in water first or straight into potting mix. If the offshoot has quite mature roots then it will be totally fine growing in potting mix already. However, if you feel the roots need to grow a little more then we recommend placing them into water as a middle step.

  5. Refresh the water often

    When growing your Watermelon Peperomia cutting in water you want to make sure you replace the water every few days to stop it stagnating. Stagnant water is a great breeding place for bacteria that can harm your cutting. 

  6. Pot your Watermelon Peperomia cutlet

    Once more mature roots have grown out from your cutting it is ready to be pot into soil. We always recommend using a high quality well-draining potting mix so your plant gets all the right nutrients. Ingredients such as perlite can help avoid root rot caused by overwatering.

  7. Resume normal care

    If your Watermelon Peperomia cutting is now in fresh potting mix then you can care for it as you would your other plants. 

Create new Watermelon Peperomia plants through propagation!

A healthy Watermelon Peperomia

Watermelon Peperomia Propagation FAQs

It can be a little trickier than other plants so it’s really important to understand the various steps, the best time of year, equipment needed and fertiliser needs. 

Common problems when propagating a Watermelon Peperomia plant

Propagating plants will never always be successful and you will probably run into some issues from time to time. But luckily for you, we have learnt the hard way to bring you all the different problems that might arise as well as how you can try to solve them.

We hope you have found this complete guide on how to propagate a Watermelon Peperomia useful. It’s never an exact science and some divisions of the plant will take longer to grow than others. But with the right methods, care and environment you should have plenty of new plants in no time!

Check out our Watermelon Peperomia care guide for all the information on how to care for your new plants after propagation.

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