The good news is that Monkey Mask Monstera plants are really easy to propagate and it can be done by a variety of methods which we will explain below.
In this post, we will guide you through not only the different ways you can propagate your Monkey Mask Monster but the tools and equipment you’ll need as well as how to spot and solve any issues you may face along the way. Before you know it, you’ll have plenty more Monkey Mask Monstera plants to fill your urban jungle!
Why would you want or need to propagate your Monkey Mask Monstera plant?
Before we get into the finer propagation details, we thought it would be useful to cover off the reasons why plant parents choose to or are forced to, propagate their Monkey Mask Monstera.
The main reason is often just wanting to grow more plants without having to spend any more money. Plants and plant cuttings make great gifts for friends and family which is why we always make sure to take a few cuttings from each of our new plants to share.
The other reason why many plant parents choose to propagate their Monkey Mask Monstera is that their plant is either too long for the space or has become quite leggy. Pruning your Monkey Mask Monstera encourages bushier growth and is a great way to cut back that winter growth which can often be straggly or leggy. But it would be such a shame to throw away those beautiful Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings so why not propagate them!
You may also be forced to propagate your Monkey Mask Monstera if you see that your plant is starting to show any worrying symptoms. Brown or yellow leaves, as well as other common problems, are worrying for all plant parents. We always recommend trying to solve the problem but it’s always a good idea to take a few cuttings in case your mother plant doesn’t make it!
What tools/equipment do you need to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant?
A healthy and mature Monkey Mask Monstera plant
Spare pot(s) with drainage holes
Fresh soil and water
Newspaper or plastic sheet if propagating indoors
Rooting hormone (optional)
Gardening gloves (optional)
What different methods can you use to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant?
The great thing about Monkey Mask Monstera plants is that there are plenty of ways to propagate them. The most common of which is vine cuttings but you can also use the layering method as well as division of the mother plant. Note that the layering technique is different to air layering. Luckily for us all, it’s much simpler as it means rooting your vines whilst still attached to the mother plant.
Below you’ll find a detailed step by step process of each propagation method so you can figure out what’s best for you and your plant.
How to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant through vine cuttings
This is the most common method of propagating Monkey Mask Monstera plants as it’s suitable for all maturities. So however big, small, bushy or leggy your Monkey Mask Monstera is, this propagation method can work for you! It’s also really easy and you can create several new Monkey Mask Monstera plants just by taking a short vine cutting.
Locate a healthy vine (or two)
When taking a vine cutting it’s important the part of your Monkey Mask Monstera you’re propagating is healthy to give you the best chance of success. Avoid using any vines that are showing any signs of disease or pests as these problems will be transferred onto your new cuttings.
Each vine cutting you take from your Monkey Mask Monstera should have several healthy nodes and leaves. A node is the joint in the stem where the root would grow out from (you may feel a slight bump running a finger down the vine). If you can, try to choose a section of the plant that already has a small aerial root stub as this means root growth will be quicker but you can still have success without it.
Make the cut
Use your scissors to make a clean cut across the vine. Each cutting needs one vine to be successful as this is where the roots will grow out from.
Top tip: Make sure your scissors/ shears are clean when making the cut to avoid passing on dirt or any infection into the cutting(s).
Fill up a container with water
Next, fill up a container with fresh water to place your Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings into. Make sure the water you are using is temperate as hot or cold water will shock or burn your cuttings which can damage your chances at root growth.
We recommend using a transparent container when propagating your plants as it not only allows you to see the new roots growing (which is pretty cool) but it’ll help you spot any issues early!
Place your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting(s) in water
Make sure that the nodes on your Monkey Mask Monstera stem cutting are sat directly in the water. Then place your cuttings in bright but indirect sunlight and away from any cold drafts.
Refresh the water every few days
One of the most important steps in the propagation process is to refresh the water every 2-3 days. This keeps the water from stagnating and releasing bad bacteria into the water. Stagnant water is not only harmful to your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting, but it will also start to smell pretty bad!
Be patient
Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings should grow roots fairly quickly compared to a lot of other houseplants which is probably music to your ears. After just a few weeks, you should spot some roots growing out from the nodes.
Don’t worry if this process takes a little longer though as it is unpredictable and doesn’t mean that it won’t be a success. As long as your cuttings are getting enough light, warmth and fresh water, you should see roots appearing soon.
Plant your cuttings into fresh potting mix
Once the roots on your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting are about 5-10 centimetres in length, you can pot them into soil!
You want to use a high-quality potting mix to ensure your Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings are getting the right balance of nutrients to encourage new healthy growth. Carefully place your cuttings a few centimetres into the soil, as you don’t want to damage the new delicate roots.
Resume usual Monkey Mask Monstera care
As your cuttings will be quite used to living in water, we recommend watering them a little more than usual in the first few weeks to avoid the root system becoming dry and crispy.
Then slowly adjust the watering and care for your cuttings as though they were mature plants. With the right care, the vines will be long enough to propagate again in no time!
How to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant through layering
As we mentioned above, the layering method is very different to what is known as air layering. It’s simpler and doesn’t require cutting into the stem and using peat moss as air layering does.
Locate a healthy vine
As with all other propagation methods, you want to make sure that you choose a nice healthy vine as any issues will harm your chances of a successful propagation of your Monkey Mask Monstera.
Fill a spare pot with fresh soil
Make sure to use a high-quality potting mix so that your vine cutting gets the right balance of nutrients. It’s also important to use a potting mix that is well-draining (you’re looking for a large amount of perlite) as this will help to prevent waterlogged soil which will rot the vine.
Place the vine on top of the potting mix
Place your new pot next to the mother plant and carefully place your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting on top of the pot.
It’s important that the vine is still attached to the mother plant as this will mean it still gets vital nutrients. We like to wrap the vine around in circles so that each of the nodes is touching the soil. Press in each node gently into the potting mix but don’t cover the vine or leaves entirely.
Keep the potting mix moist, but not soggy
You want to keep some moisture in the top of the potting mix at all times as this will encourage roots to grow from the nodes of your Monkey Mask Monstera vine. The best way to do this is by using a spray bottle as this will help avoid waterlogged soil.
Be patient
Now that your Monkey Mask Monstera vine is happy in its pot and you are watering it occasionally, the only thing left to do is wait for roots to grow. It will be several weeks before anything happens above the soil but this doesn’t mean things aren’t developing underneath the node.
Whilst you might be tempted to check on progress, we strongly recommend against disturbing the vine as this can damage the delicate root growth.
Check on growth
After a month or so, now is a good time to check on root growth. Carefully dig around the nodes of your vine to see if roots have grown under the surface. If there is a healthy root system growing from the nodes, this means your propagation has been a success!
Remove from the mother plant
Now that each of the nodes has its own root system, you can carefully remove the vine from the mother plant. You can now cut up the vine into several sections, with at least one node per section. Exactly how you choose to divide up the vine is entirely up to you!
Continue normal care
Now that your new plants have their own root system, your Monkey Mask Monstera propagation process is complete! Enjoy your new plant(s) and continue to care for them as you would your mother plant!
How to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant through division of the mother plant
This method of propagation is great for when you have a really mature and bushy plant that you don’t mind taking a few vines out of it. It’s also the preferred method for those who don’t want to wait months and months for roots and new leaves to grow. With the division method, you get several new Monkey Mask Monstera plants instantly!!
Take your Monkey Mask Monstera plant out of the pot
To propagate through the division method, you’ll need to separate the different vines to create new plants. The first step is to carefully lift your plant out of the pot, trying not to damage the leaves or root system as they are very delicate.
A good way to get the plant out of the pot without tugging on the leaves is by squishing the sides of the pot to loosen the potting mix.
Separate out the vines
You may have to trim off the odd root if they aren’t detangling easily but this shouldn’t harm your plant too much. Each vine should have its own roots so make sure these are healthy before dividing. If you’re struggling to see where the natural divisions in the plant are, follow each vine from the tip to the root system.
You then want to group the vines together to form new plants. How many new plants, and how bushy each of them depends on your personal preference as well as your individual plant.
Place each new section in fresh potting mix
Plant your mother Monkey Mask Monstera plant back into its original pot (or downsize slightly if you have taken away a substantial amount of the original plant as this will help with stability and avoiding waterlogged soil). Then pot your new plant(s) into well-draining potting mix.
Top tip: ALWAYS use fresh potting mix as bacteria and pests can hide in soil without you noticing. Although there’s still a risk with fresh soil, the risk is much much smaller.
Continue normal Monkey Mask Monstera care
You’re all done, your Monkey Mask Monstera propagation is complete! Now all you need to do is find a good spot or a new home for each of your new plants!
FAQs on Monkey Mask Monstera Propagation
What time of year should I propagate my Monkey Mask Monstera?
Ideally, you want to be propagating at the beginning of spring if you’ve chosen the vine cutting or layering methods. The warm and bright spring and summer months gives you the best chance at success. Propagating your Monkey Mask Monstera in autumn or winter will mean that your cuttings will be trying to grow a whole new root system in the dormant period. The risk of root/ leaf rot is also increased due to cold temperatures and difficult conditions means your mother plant may not recover so quickly from the shock of propagation.
If you have chosen to propagate your Monkey Mask Monstera through division, then you can get away with propagating in cooler temperatures too. This is because the root systems do not have to grow from scratch. However, if you are concerned about the temperature levels, then you can also use a heat pad to create a more ideal environment.
Should I use a rooting hormone when propagating a Monkey Mask Monstera?
Whilst you can still have plenty of success propagating your Monkey Mask Monstera without the use of rooting hormone, it can be great at stimulate root growth on new cuttings, not only speeding up the entire process but also producing a stronger root system.
Should I use a grow light for my Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings?
Don’t think that just because you don’t get much natural sunlight in your home, that you could never propagate any plants. LED grow lights help to create the perfect environment for root growth so are great for propagation. They can encourage root growth and avoid issues such as leggy growth or discolouration on the leaves.
Grow lights are also great for your mature houseplants too if they don’t get enough light in autumn and winter making them a great investment for every plant parent.
How do I know where the node is on my Monkey Mask Monstera?
A node is where the stem and leaf joints meet. On Monkey Mask Monstera plants you will often see very small aerial roots or stubs grow from these nodes. If there isn’t anything visible yet, you may feel a little bump in the stem which indicates a node. If you’re still unsure, then the easiest way is just to include a few leaves in each vine cutting. This way, there’s definitely a few nodes for roots to grow from.
Is it possible to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera from just a single leaf?
Unfortunately, as is the case with the majority of houseplants, you can’t propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant with just a single leaf. There needs to be at least one node on each cutting as this is where the root system will start growing from. If you do try to propagate a single leaf, it will very quickly wilt.
Should I fertilise my Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings?
We always recommend staying away from fertiliser for a while after propagation. Young cuttings or plants that are recovering from the shock of propagation are very susceptible to overfertilization. Fertilising your new Monkey Mask Monstera plants too early can slow down root growth, cause a weak root system and can often lead to yellow sickly leaves. Fertiliser can also shock the young cuttings which can actually kill them pretty quickly.
As a general rule, we recommend fertilising plants that have been divided no sooner than 1 month after propagation. For cuttings, wait at least a year.
Common problems that may arise when propagating Monkey Mask Monstera plants
Even for the most experienced plants parents, propagating houseplants can be temperamental and unpredictable. Sometimes it will go off without a hitch, other times you might never see a single root appear. But don’t worry, we have learnt the hard way to make sure you can figure out what is causing various issues with your Monkey Mask Monstera.
Why isn’t my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting growing any new roots?
If all goes well, you can expect to see new roots growing anywhere from 1-4 weeks after propagation. Monkey Mask Monstera propagation is a little quicker than some other plants but there’s no timeline that every cutting sticks to so be patient. As long as your cutting has ample indirect sunlight, enough warmth and you’re regularly refreshing the water, you should see roots and leaves starting to develop soon.
If things still aren’t happening after a month or two after propagation, you may need to change the environment a little. LED grow lights and heat pads can help to stimulate new growth.
Why is my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting turning yellow?
Watering issues is the most likely cause of yellow leaves, both too much and too little. Take your new Monkey Mask Monstera plant out of the pot to inspect the root system and adjust your watering routine accordingly.
If you haven’t yet repotted the cutting into water, then stagnant water could be causing the issue. Refresh the water every other day and trim away the yellow growth.
Why is my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting soft and mushy?
If part of the stem is turning mushy then unfortunately this isn’t a good sign and means it’s starting to rot in stagnant water. Make sure you’re refreshing the water regularly to prevent the growth of bad bacteria. If you’re able to salvage one healthy node, then trim away the affected area and start the process again.
If the leaf on your Monkey Mask Monstera has turned soft, then it may be because it was sitting in the water. Trim away the leaf and in future make sure that it is only the stem and nodes that are in the water.
Why are the new leaves on my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting much smaller?
This is nothing to worry about! Smaller growth is just caused by the fact the root system is less mature than that of your mother plant which means it can’t support the same level of growth. Give it time and slowly the new leaves will start to get bigger. As your plant matures, you can snip off the small leaves if you prefer.
That’s it, your Monkey Mask Monstera propagation is complete! We hope that this guide has been useful and taught you everything you need to know. It can be a little difficult at first to know which method is right for you but there’s no harm in experimenting a little and trying out new ways to create these incredible plants.
For more information on how to care for your Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings once they have been propagated check out our Monkey Mask Monstera care guide.