Dragon Tree Care

Last Updated: September 6, 2022

Basic Dragon Tree Care

Loved for being pretty low maintenance, Dragon Trees can adapt to a wider range of light levels. You just need to be a bit careful of intense and hot direct sunlight as it can dry out and burn the leaves. The only thing to note around lower light is that growth tends to be a bit slower but they can still adapt nicely to a shady corner.

Dragon Trees also don’t need much watering and like their potting mix to dry out fully between waterings so that’s one less thing for your regular to-do list.

Below you’ll find out comprehensive Dragon Tree care guide, where you will find all the tips and info you need to help your plant thrive.

Detailed Dragon Tree Care

Dragon Plants like bright indirect light

Make sure you don’t place your Dragon Tree in direct light as this will burn and damage the leaves, which is irreversible. Don’t worry if your Dragon Tree is in a slightly shadier spot, it just means it might grow a bit slower.

Be careful not to overwater your Dragon Tree

Dragon Trees won’t die on you if you give them too much water every so often, but constant overwatering will lead to root rot and other issues. Make sure to check the soil’s moisture before watering.

Dragon Trees aren’t temperature sensitive

Don’t worry too much about getting the right temperature for your Dragon Tree. If it is comfortable for you to live in, it will be fine for your Dragon Tree. Just make sure to keep it away from air vents and radiators.

Use regular potting soil

Unlike some other houseplants, Dragon Trees aren’t fussy about their potting soil. Just use a nice high-quality soil and your plant will be fine.

Mist your Dragon Tree’s leaves

Although you don’t need to worry too much about humidity levels for your Dragon Tree, we recommend misting the leaves every couple of weeks to increase plant health.

Dragon Trees like fresh air

Over winter, your Dragon Tree can suffer with all the warm stuffy heating air. Try to open the windows and air out your home to increase the circulation of fresh air.

Repot your Dragon Tree every few years

The best way to tell whether or not your Dragon Tree needs repotting is to see if there are any roots popping out at the bottom of the pot. We recommend repotting your Dragon Tree every two years into a pot a few cm bigger in diameter than the previous one.

Propagating your Dragon Tree is easy

You can propagate your Dragon Tree using a stem cutting. Be sure to cut a few inches off the top and place in water for a few weeks until roots start to form.

Prune the old leaves off your Dragon Tree

Naturally, over time, your Dragon Tree will start to shed some of its lower leaves. Once you see the leaves yellowing you can remove them carefully. You can also prune your Dragon Tree into your desired shape and size.

Unfortunately, Dragon Trees are toxic to pets

You might want to keep your Dragon Tree plant away from your dogs and cats as they can be toxic if ingested and can cause long-term issues if eaten in large quantities over time.

Dragon Tree Care FAQs

Common Issues for Dragon Trees

Although Dragon Plants are fairly easy to care for, they may start to show signs of suffering if their care or environment is not ideal. The most common issues for Dragon Trees are brown leaves and leaf tips.

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