Basic Air Plant Care
Air Plants are some of the only plants that don’t need any soil to grow and only need the occasional misting and water bath to keep them alive. This makes their care routine so much easier than a lot of other houseplants where issues with overwatering and root rot are more difficult to diagnose when buried in the soil.
Below you will find our complete Air Plant Care Guide with all the information you need to help it thrive.
Detailed Air Plant Care
Air Plants need bright light
The best spot for your Air Plant is somewhere that receives a lot of bright sunshine, but preferably indirect. Too much direct sunlight can harm the leaves quite quickly so it is important you keep them a little further away from the window.
They require misting and bathing
Instead of watering the soil like you do with all of your other houseplants, Air Plants only need misting and the occasional bath to keep them alive. Submerge the plant in water for an hour or two every couple of weeks and that should be plenty.
Just be careful not to give your Air Plant too much moisture as this can lead to the leaves rotting and your plant losing leaves.
Never grow them in soil
This may seem obvious, but Air Plants won’t grow in soil, however much you try and make them. They just need good air and misting/bathing as we mentioned above.
Air Plants prefer warmer temperatures
Try and prevent your home from getting too cold in winter as your Air Plant prefers a slightly warmer temperature. They will die in frost so be careful if you live in a cold climate.
You can use fertiliser on an Air Plant
If you do choose to fertilize your Air Plant, use an orchid water-soluble fertiliser and mix it into the water that you use to mist your plant.
Air Plant are not toxic to humans or pets
Thankfully Air Plants are completely safe for humans and pets so don’t worry too much about keeping it out of reach.
Propagate your Air Plant by removing its pups
Over time, as your Air Plant matures, it will produce little offshoots, (otherwise known as pups), which can be carefully separated from the main plant and turned into its own little Air Plant. Unfortunately, you cannot propagate from a single leaf.
Air Plant Care FAQs
How long do Air Plants live?
Usually, Air Plants live between 2-4 years but their life cycle can be unpredictable as it depends both on the variety of Air Plant and on the environment and care.
How often should I mist my Air Plant?
During summer you want to be misting your Air Plant a few times a week. However, during the colder, darker months of the year, you want to cut this back significantly to reduce the risk of leaf rot.
Are Air Plants toxic?
Luckily Air Plants are totally safe and non-toxic so you don’t need to worry about children or pets getting too close.
How many Air Plant varieties are there?
It is believed there are over 400 varieties of Air Plant though there is not an exact number and this doesn’t even take into account hybrid varieties!
Common Issues for Air Plants
Because Air Plants are so unique in how you care for them compared to regular houseplants, they are bound to have some issues. It is important to spot any warning signs to know when your Air Plant might be unhappy.
Why are the leaf tips on my Air Plant brown?
Light coloured brown tips on your Air Plant is a sign of underwatering. We recommend misting your Air Plant a little every few days and giving them an hour bath once or twice a month.
Why is the base of my Air Plant brown/black?
If you notice the base of your Air Plant has turned dark brown/ black and leaves are starting to fall off, chances are it has received too much water. Unfortunately, if your plant has gotten to this stage of rotting there is little chance of saving it.
Why are my Air Plant's leaves curling?
Intense curling of your Air Plant’s leaves may signify that it is dehydrated. The best thing to do if your Air Plant has curling leaves is soak it in water for 30 minutes and keep on top of your misting routine. Be careful not to go the other way and overwater your Air Plant as this can kill it quite quickly and you’ll have more problems than just the curling leaves!
Why is my Air Plant losing leaves?
If your Air Plant has started to lose leaves, then this is most likely due to too much moisture. Air Plants are very sensitive to moisture and their care routine is very unique due to the fact they don’t grow in soil. This means that if your Air Plant has been bathed for too long, or is misted too frequently, then the leaves can become soft and fall off your plant.
One top tip to avoid this is to always make sure you are not misting your plant late in the day. You don’t want the leaves to be wet when it gets colder at night as this risks leaf rot.